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Short Course "Algorithms and Society" (March 2022)


Professors: Cauê Martins/ Camila Crumo/ Jonatas Mendonça dos Santos / Leopoldo Waizbort/ Leticia Pereira Gomes/ Veridiana Domingos Cordeiro /Rodrigo Brandão Location: Norberto Bobbio Institute (São Paulo, Brazil) Register here: This eight-class course will be held at the Norberto Bobbio Institute of Cultural Democracy and Human Rights, and will focus on the role and impact of A.I. in seven different areas of social life. The course will begin with a critical reading of various theoretical and methodological approaches to algorithms, and then shift to an exploration of the following key areas: Algorithms and knowledge production; algorithms, social media and social interaction (Instagram, Facebook, etc.); algorithms and streaming platforms (Netflix, Spotify, etc.); algorithms, public policies and public administration; and algorithms, platform economy and precarious work;algorithms and social control (predictive policing, criminal law, banking system, etc.). The course will finish with a discussion of AI and smart cities.





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