We are organizing a special number, "Reflections on Digital Sociology," for Plural Journal. The journal accepts submissions in English, Spanish and Portuguese. The call for papers goes until 12th December 2022. Please, submit your work at: revistas.usp.br/plural If you have any inquiries, please write to us: digitalsociologyandai@gmail.com About the Magazine Plural - Journal of Social Sciences is a biannual electronic academic publication coordinated and edited by researchers from the Graduate Program in Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo (FFLCH-USP). It receives flow, articles/essays, reviews, interviews, and translations in social sciences, in general, and sociology, in particular. The plural is currently indexed in Google Scholar, EBSCO, DOAJ, CAPES Periodicals Portal, Latindex, LatinREV, REDIB, CLASE, and OasisBR. About the Special Issue: The “digital revolution” has been underway since the 1970s. The pandemic has deepened this process, forcing individuals to use digital devices to communicate, work, buy and perform other everyday tasks. This acceleration of digitization processes and the introduction of increasingly portable devices has erased the distinction between the "real/face-to-face world" and the "digital world." Social relations are increasingly mediated by technology which has been transforming the social structure in many areas, such as labor, politics, science, economy, and surveillance.